Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ummm... oops.

So, in the excitement, confusion, and exhaustion of the last month, I forgot to make the big announcement. The little geekling is here! Cora Marie arrived on July 6 (yes, two full days before she was scheduled to show up!) I ended up at the hospital with preeclampsia on the fifth, and the doctor decided to do the C-section right away.

Cora was 8 lbs 7 oz and came out screaming and kicking. Here's what she looked like after they cleaned her up:

She had her eyes wide open and a total look of disdain for everyone within the first hour. Yup, welcome our new evil overlord. She may be tiny, but her powers are immense.

We've had some ups and downs during our adjustment period, but we are adapting. We are working hard to ensure complete geekiness in her. I have spent the last month watching Stargate: Atlantis while breastfeeding. Took her to the drive-in to see Captain America and Transformers 3. She even got her picture taken with Captain and "Mrs" America:

This weekend, we are going to Chicago's Comic Con to have her picture taken with Patrick Stewart and LeVar Burton. She'll be wearing her Starfleet Cadet onesie. ;-)

I will try to be better about updating this blog. At least the uber-geeky stuff will end up here!